Picture this: you’re in your new home, all the pieces are coming together - but wait - what about that extra space or room you ignored? You had no idea what to do with it then! This isn’t just a headache for new homeowners. You could have a barely-used room; or maybe your children moved out, leaving an empty space behind.

Don’t fret! Whether you’re a practical person or one with an active imagination, here’s a list of ideas to make the most out of your extra space.

For small spaces:

A meditation room/ morning room

igloohome blog spare room meditation

Photo credit: Pinterest

The hustle and bustle of working life can stress you out and a meditation or morning room can come in handy. Wellness is a trend that continues to grow with no signs of stopping. For the yogis and meditation enthusiasts, a spare room could mean routine stretches and quiet time in a brightly-lit space before you start your day.

No need for elaborate furnishing, simple pillows and a yoga mat may just do the trick. Fill the space with calm colours and eucalyptus-scented candles to get your mornings off to a great start!

Private bar

igloohome blog spare room bar

Photo credit: HGTV

For those who enjoy the finer things in life like alcohol, make use of this extra space to store your liquor. You could even neaten things up by concealing it - sort of a secret booze stash in your home!

Remember to include mini-fridges and wine chillers, as well as bartending tools in the space. You’ll be serving out cocktails like a pro in no time.


igloohome blog spare room walk in closet

Photo credit: TheHappyHousie

If you’re a shopaholic, this is right up your alley. A walk-in closet is a good solution if you're working with a small room. Forget overflowing wardrobes! With a walk-in closet, you no longer have to worry about storage space for all your splurges.

Fit the room with ample lighting, a full-length mirror and accent it with a posh-looking rug. You’ll be tempted to have your own runway show every time you step inside!


For medium and large spaces:

Fun Zone/Playroom

igloohome blog spare room playroom

Photo credit: Homi Homi

Sick of stepping onto Lego blocks or seeing toys sprawled on the floor? Parents, we feel you. You can transform the extra room into a fun zone for the kids.

Finding a theme for the playroom could also help in decoration ideas. Let your imagination run wild too! Not only does it act as a storage room for toys, your children will also be happy with their very own playground.

Library/ Study room

igloohome blog spare room library

Photo credit: Pinterest

If your room has high ceilings, why not try a library? Bury your nose in a good book, snuggle up into a warm blanket - this extra space will be a marvellous addition for the bookworms.

A library can be a great way to retreat from the noise and gain some peace of mind. Catch up on some light reading or get totally sucked into a thriller novel - either way, you’ll be in a comfortable space for getting things done.

To keep the room cosy, soft lighting is recommended. Include plush sofas or cushions for a space that exudes warmth, comfort and relaxation.

Fitness room

igloohome blog spare room gym

Photo credit: Plentific 

Let’s be honest: many of us spend a couple hundred a month on a gym membership that isn’t utilised to its fullest potential. Whether it be busy schedules, not wanting to travel or just being plain lazy; a home gym can solve these excuses (haha!).

Think dumbbells, a treadmill, pull up bars and more. The gym room doesn’t need to be lavish as long as you get a good sweat session! You could also place rubber panels over the floors and set up mirrors for a complete gym experience.

Jamming room

igloohome blog spare room music

Photo credit: Pinterest 

What better way to destress than to have a jamming space in the comfort of your home?

For the musically inclined, take this chance to create a space to unleash your creativity. You can design your room based on its purposes, be it for practices, recordings or showcases.

Soundproofing the room is always a must for louder instruments like drums or electric guitars. Basic furnishings like plants can help to absorb sound which will also lead to better acoustics.

Guest bedroom

igloohome blog spare room airbnb

Photo credit: Awesome Home

Calling all aspiring Airbnb hosts! A spare bedroom may lead to an opportunity to make a quick buck. With the sharing economy on the rise, brands like Airbnb are thriving. If you’re cool with having people in your home, this could be a great use of space.

Details are important when it comes to furnishing. Try imagining what you’d like to see if you were renting an Airbnb on vacation. We like to think natural sunlight, comfy beds, and a soothing colour palette as the ideal room for rental.

You could reap benefits from being a short-term rental host, just read more here.

The list of ideas isn't exhaustive. We could go on and on, but we think it’s time for you to get cracking. Get creative with that spare bedroom today!

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